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ReadyToRun File Format

Revisions: * 1.1 - Jan Kotas - 2015 * 3.1 - Tomas Rylek - 2019 * 4.1 - Tomas Rylek - 2020 * 5.3 - Tomas Rylek - 2021 * 5.4 - David Wrighton - 2021 * 6.3 - David Wrighton - 2022


This document describes ReadyToRun format 3.1 implemented in CoreCLR as of June 2019 and not yet implemented proposed extensions 4.1 for the support of composite R2R file format. Composite R2R file format has basically the same structure as the traditional R2R file format defined in earlier revisions except that the output file represents a larger number of input MSIL assemblies compiled together as a logical unit.

PE Headers and CLI Headers

Single-file ReadyToRun images conform to CLI file format as described in ECMA-335 with the following customizations:

  • The PE file is always platform specific
  • CLI Header Flags field has set COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY (0x00000004) bit set
  • CLI Header ManagedNativeHeader points to READYTORUN_HEADER

The COR header and ECMA 335 metadata pointed to by the COM descriptor data directory item in the COFF header represent a full copy of the input IL and MSIL metadata it was generated from.

Composite R2R files currently conform to Windows PE executable file format as the native envelope. Moving forward we plan to gradually add support for platform-native executable formats (ELF on Linux, MachO on OSX) as the native envelopes. There is a global CLI / COR header in the file, but it only exists to facilitate pdb generation, and does not participate in any usages by the CoreCLR runtime. The ReadyToRun header structure is pointed to by the well-known export symbol RTR_HEADER and has the READYTORUN_FLAG_COMPOSITE flag set.

Input MSIL metadata and IL streams can be either embedded in the composite R2R file or left as separate files on disk. In case of embedded MSIL, the "actual" metadata for the individual component assemblies is accessed via the R2R section ComponentAssemblies.

Standalone MSIL files used as the source of IL and metadata for composite R2R executables without MSIL embedding are copied to the output folder next to the composite R2R executable and are rewritten by the compiler to include a formal ReadyToRun header with forwarding information pointing to the owner composite R2R executable (section OwnerCompositeExecutable).

Additions to the debug directory

Currently shipping PE envelopes - both single-file and composite - can contain records for additional debug information in the debug directory. One such entry specific to R2R images is the one for R2R PerfMaps. The format of the auxiliary file is described R2R perfmap format and the corresponding debug directory entry is described in PE COFF.

Future Improvements

The limitations of the current format are:

  • Type loading from IL metadata: All types are built from IL metadata at runtime currently. It is bloating the size - prevents stripping full metadata from the image, and fragile - assumes fixed field layout algorithm. A new section with compact type layout description optimized for runtime type loading is needed to address it. (Similar concept as CTL.)

  • Debug info size: The debug information is unnecessarily bloating the image. This solution was chosen for compatibility with the current desktop/CoreCLR debugging pipeline. Ideally, the debug information should be stored in separate file.


The structures and accompanying constants are defined in the readytorun.h header file. Basically the entire R2R executable image is addressed through the READYTORUN_HEADER singleton pointed to by the well-known export RTR_HEADER in the export section of the native executable envelope.

For single-file R2R executables, there's just one header representing all image sections. For composite and single exe, the global READYTORUN_HEADER includes a section of the type ComponentAssemblies representing the component assemblies comprising the composite R2R image. This table is parallel to (it used the same indexing as) the table READYTORUN_MANIFEST_METADATA. Each READYTORUN_SECTION_ASSEMBLIES_ENTRY record points to a READYTORUN_CORE_HEADER variable-length structure representing sections specific to the particular assembly.


    DWORD                   Signature;      // READYTORUN_SIGNATURE
    USHORT                  MajorVersion;   // READYTORUN_VERSION_XXX
    USHORT                  MinorVersion;



Always set to 0x00525452 (ASCII encoding for RTR). The signature can be used to distinguish ReadyToRun images from other CLI images with ManagedNativeHeader (e.g. NGen images).


The current format version is 3.1. MajorVersion increments are meant for file format breaking changes. MinorVersion increments are meant to compatible file format changes.

Example: Assume the highest version supported by the runtime is 2.3. The runtime should be able to successfully execute native code from images of version 2.9. The runtime should refuse to execute native code from image of version 3.0.


    DWORD                   Flags;          // READYTORUN_FLAG_XXX

    DWORD                   NumberOfSections;

    // Array of sections follows. The array entries are sorted by Type
    // READYTORUN_SECTION   Sections[];


Flag Value Description
READYTORUN_FLAG_PLATFORM_NEUTRAL_SOURCE 0x00000001 Set if the original IL image was platform neutral. The platform neutrality is part of assembly name. This flag can be used to reconstruct the full original assembly name.
READYTORUN_FLAG_COMPOSITE 0x00000002 The image represents a composite R2R file resulting from a combined compilation of a larger number of input MSIL assemblies.
READYTORUN_FLAG_NONSHARED_PINVOKE_STUBS 0x00000008 PInvoke stubs compiled into image are non-shareable (no secret parameter)
READYTORUN_FLAG_EMBEDDED_MSIL 0x00000010 Input MSIL is embedded in the R2R image.
READYTORUN_FLAG_COMPONENT 0x00000020 This is a component assembly of a composite R2R image
READYTORUN_FLAG_MULTIMODULE_VERSION_BUBBLE 0x00000040 This R2R module has multiple modules within its version bubble (For versions before version 6.3, all modules are assumed to possibly have this characteristic)
READYTORUN_FLAG_UNRELATED_R2R_CODE 0x00000080 This R2R module has code in it that would not be naturally encoded into this module


    DWORD                   Type;           // READYTORUN_SECTION_XXX

The READYTORUN_CORE_HEADER structure is immediately followed by an array of READYTORUN_SECTION records representing the individual R2R sections. Number of elements in the array is READYTORUN_HEADER::NumberOfSections. Each record contains section type and its location within the binary. The array is sorted by section type to allow binary searching.

This setup allows adding new or optional section types, and obsoleting existing section types, without file format breaking changes. The runtime is not required to understand all section types in order to load and execute the ready to run file.

The following section types are defined and described later in this document:

ReadyToRunSectionType Value Scope (component assembly / entire image)
CompilerIdentifier 100 Image
ImportSections 101 Image
RuntimeFunctions 102 Image
MethodDefEntryPoints 103 Assembly
ExceptionInfo 104 Assembly
DebugInfo 105 Assembly
DelayLoadMethodCallThunks 106 Assembly
~~AvailableTypes~~ 107 (obsolete - used by an older format)
AvailableTypes 108 Assembly
InstanceMethodEntryPoints 109 Image
InliningInfo 110 Assembly (added in V2.1)
ProfileDataInfo 111 Image (added in V2.2)
ManifestMetadata 112 Image (added in V2.3)
AttributePresence 113 Assembly (added in V3.1)
InliningInfo2 114 Image (added in V4.1)
ComponentAssemblies 115 Image (added in V4.1)
OwnerCompositeExecutable 116 Image (added in V4.1)
PgoInstrumentationData 117 Image (added in V5.2)
ManifestAssemblyMvids 118 Image (added in V5.3)
CrossModuleInlineInfo 119 Image (added in V6.3)
HotColdMap 120 Image (added in V8.0)
MethodIsGenericMap 121 Assembly (Added in V9.0)
EnclosingTypeMap 122 Assembly (Added in V9.0)
TypeGenericInfoMap 123 Assembly (Added in V9.0)


This section contains zero terminated ASCII string that identifies the compiler used to produce the image.

Example: CoreCLR 4.6.22727.0 PROJECTK


This section contains array of READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION structures. Each entry describes range of slots that had to be filled with the value from outside the module (typically lazily). The initial values of slots in each range are either zero or pointers to lazy initialization helper.

    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    Section;            // Section containing values to be fixed up
    USHORT                  Flags;              // One or more of ReadyToRunImportSectionFlags
    BYTE                    Type;               // One of ReadyToRunImportSectionType
    BYTE                    EntrySize;
    DWORD                   Signatures;         // RVA of optional signature descriptors
    DWORD                   AuxiliaryData;      // RVA of optional auxiliary data (typically GC info)


ReadyToRunImportSectionFlags Value Description
ReadyToRunImportSectionFlags::None 0x0000 None
ReadyToRunImportSectionFlags::Eager 0x0001 Set if the slots in the section have to be initialized at image load time. It is used to avoid lazy initialization when it cannot be done or when it would have undesirable reliability or performance effects (unexpected failure or GC trigger points, overhead of lazy initialization).
ReadyToRunImportSectionFlags::PCode 0x0004 Section contains pointers to code


ReadyToRunImportSectionType Value Description
ReadyToRunImportSectionType::Unknown 0 The type of slots in this section is unspecified.
ReadyToRunImportSectionType::StubDispatch 2 The type of slots in this section rely on stubs for dispatch.
ReadyToRunImportSectionType::StringHandle 3 The type of slots in this section hold strings
ReadyToRunImportSectionType::ILBodyFixups 7 The type of slots in this section represent cross module IL bodies

Future: The section type can be used to group slots of the same type together. For example, all virtual stub dispatch slots may be grouped together to simplify resetting of virtual stub dispatch cells into their initial state.


This field points to array of RVAs that is parallel with the array of slots. Each RVA points to fixup signature that contains the information required to fill the corresponding slot. The signature encoding builds upon the encoding used for signatures in ECMA-335. The first element of the signature describes the fixup kind, the rest of the signature varies based on the fixup kind.

ReadyToRunFixupKind Value Description
READYTORUN_FIXUP_ThisObjDictionaryLookup 0x07 Generic lookup using this; followed by the type signature and by the method signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_TypeDictionaryLookup 0x08 Type-based generic lookup for methods on instantiated types; followed by the typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodDictionaryLookup 0x09 Generic method lookup; followed by the method spec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_TypeHandle 0x10 Pointer uniquely identifying the type to the runtime, followed by typespec signature (see ECMA-335)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodHandle 0x11 Pointer uniquely identifying the method to the runtime, followed by method signature (see below)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_FieldHandle 0x12 Pointer uniquely identifying the field to the runtime, followed by field signature (see below)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodEntry 0x13 Method entrypoint or call, followed by method signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodEntry_DefToken 0x14 Method entrypoint or call, followed by methoddef token (shortcut)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodEntry_RefToken 0x15 Method entrypoint or call, followed by methodref token (shortcut)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_VirtualEntry 0x16 Virtual method entrypoint or call, followed by method signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_VirtualEntry_DefToken 0x17 Virtual method entrypoint or call, followed by methoddef token (shortcut)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_VirtualEntry_RefToken 0x18 Virtual method entrypoint or call, followed by methodref token (shortcut)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_VirtualEntry_Slot 0x19 Virtual method entrypoint or call, followed by typespec signature and slot
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Helper 0x1A Helper call, followed by helper call id (see chapter 4 Helper calls)
READYTORUN_FIXUP_StringHandle 0x1B String handle, followed by metadata string token
READYTORUN_FIXUP_NewObject 0x1C New object helper, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_NewArray 0x1D New array helper, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_IsInstanceOf 0x1E isinst helper, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_ChkCast 0x1F chkcast helper, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_FieldAddress 0x20 Field address, followed by field signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_CctorTrigger 0x21 Static constructor trigger, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_StaticBaseNonGC 0x22 Non-GC static base, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_StaticBaseGC 0x23 GC static base, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_ThreadStaticBaseNonGC 0x24 Non-GC thread-local static base, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_ThreadStaticBaseGC 0x25 GC thread-local static base, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_FieldBaseOffset 0x26 Starting offset of fields for given type, followed by typespec signature. Used to address base class fragility.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_FieldOffset 0x27 Field offset, followed by field signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_TypeDictionary 0x28 Hidden dictionary argument for generic code, followed by typespec signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_MethodDictionary 0x29 Hidden dictionary argument for generic code, followed by method signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Check_TypeLayout 0x2A Verification of type layout, followed by typespec and expected type layout descriptor
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Check_FieldOffset 0x2B Verification of field offset, followed by field signature and expected field layout descriptor
READYTORUN_FIXUP_DelegateCtor 0x2C Delegate constructor, followed by method signature
READYTORUN_FIXUP_DeclaringTypeHandle 0x2D Dictionary lookup for method declaring type. Followed by the type signature.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_IndirectPInvokeTarget 0x2E Target (indirect) of an inlined PInvoke. Followed by method signature.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_PInvokeTarget 0x2F Target of an inlined PInvoke. Followed by method signature.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Check_InstructionSetSupport 0x30 Specify the instruction sets that must be supported/unsupported to use the R2R code associated with the fixup.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Verify_FieldOffset 0x31 Generate a runtime check to ensure that the field offset matches between compile and runtime. Unlike CheckFieldOffset, this will generate a runtime exception on failure instead of silently dropping the method
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Verify_TypeLayout 0x32 Generate a runtime check to ensure that the field offset matches between compile and runtime. Unlike CheckFieldOffset, this will generate a runtime exception on failure instead of silently dropping the method
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Check_VirtualFunctionOverride 0x33 Generate a runtime check to ensure that virtual function resolution has equivalent behavior at runtime as at compile time. If not equivalent, code will not be used. See Virtual override signatures for details of the signature used.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Verify_VirtualFunctionOverride 0x34 Generate a runtime check to ensure that virtual function resolution has equivalent behavior at runtime as at compile time. If not equivalent, generate runtime failure. See Virtual override signatures for details of the signature used.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Check_IL_Body 0x35 Check to see if an IL method is defined the same at runtime as at compile time. A failed match will cause code not to be used. SeeIL Body signatures for details.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_Verify_IL_Body 0x36 Verify an IL body is defined the same at compile time and runtime. A failed match will cause a hard runtime failure. SeeIL Body signatures for details.
READYTORUN_FIXUP_ModuleOverride 0x80 When or-ed to the fixup ID, the fixup byte in the signature is followed by an encoded uint with assemblyref index, either within the MSIL metadata of the master context module for the signature or within the manifest metadata R2R header table (used in cases inlining brings in references to assemblies not seen in the input MSIL).

Method Signatures

MethodSpec signatures defined by ECMA-335 are not rich enough to describe method flavors referenced by native code. The first element of the method signature are flags. It is followed by method token, and additional data determined by the flags.

ReadyToRunMethodSigFlags Value Description
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_UnboxingStub 0x01 Unboxing entrypoint of the method.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_InstantiatingStub 0x02 Instantiating entrypoint of the method does not take hidden dictionary generic argument.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_MethodInstantiation 0x04 Method instantitation. Number of instantiation arguments followed by typespec for each of them appended as additional data.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_SlotInsteadOfToken 0x08 If set, the token is slot number. Used for multidimensional array methods that do not have metadata token, and also as an optimization for stable interface methods. Cannot be combined with MemberRefToken.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_MemberRefToken 0x10 If set, the token is memberref token. If not set, the token is methoddef token.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_Constrained 0x20 Constrained type for method resolution. Typespec appended as additional data.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_OwnerType 0x40 Method type. Typespec appended as additional data.
READYTORUN_METHOD_SIG_UpdateContext 0x80 If set, update the module which is used to parse tokens before performing any token processing. A uint index into the modules table immediately follows the flags

Field Signatures

ECMA-335 does not define field signatures that are rich enough to describe method flavors referenced by native code. The first element of the field signature are flags. It is followed by field token, and additional data determined by the flags.

ReadyToRunFieldSigFlags Value Description
READYTORUN_FIELD_SIG_IndexInsteadOfToken 0x08 Used as an optimization for stable fields. Cannot be combined with MemberRefToken.
READYTORUN_FIELD_SIG_MemberRefToken 0x10 If set, the token is memberref token. If not set, the token is fielddef token.
READYTORUN_FIELD_SIG_OwnerType 0x40 Field type. Typespec appended as additional data.

Virtual override signatures

ECMA 335 does not have a natural encoding for describing an overridden method. These signatures are encoded as a ReadyToRunVirtualFunctionOverrideFlags byte, followed by a method signature representing the declaration method, a type signature representing the type which is being devirtualized, and (optionally) a method signature indicating the implementation method.

ReadyToRunVirtualFunctionOverrideFlags Value Description
READYTORUN_VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_None 0x00 No flags are set
READYTORUN_VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VirtualFunctionOverridden 0x01 If set, then the virtual function has an implementation, which is encoded in the optional method implementation signature.

IL Body signatures

ECMA 335 does not define a format that can represent the exact implementation of a method by itself. This signature holds all of the IL of the method, the EH table, the locals table, and each token (other than type references) in those tables is replaced with an index into a local stream of signatures. Those signatures are simply verbatim copies of the needed metadata to describe MemberRefs, TypeSpecs, MethodSpecs, StandaloneSignatures and strings. All of that is bundled into a large byte array. In addition, a series of TypeSignatures follows which allow the type references to be resolved, as well as a methodreference to the uninstantiated method. Assuming all of this matches with the data that is present at runtime, the fixup is considered to be satisfied. See ReadyToRunStandaloneMetadata.cs for the exact details of the format.


For slots resolved lazily via READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_MethodCall helper, auxiliary data are compressed argument maps that allow precise GC stack scanning while the helper is running. The CoreCLR runtime class GCRefMapDecoder is used to parse this information. This data would not be required for runtimes that allow conservative stack scanning.

The auxiliary data table contains the exact same number of GC ref map records as there are method entries in the import section. To accelerate GC ref map lookup, the auxiliary data section starts with a lookup table holding the offset of every 1024-th method in the runtime function table within the linearized GC ref map.

Offset in auxiliary data Size Content
0 4 Offset to GC ref map info for method #0 relative to this byte i.e. 4 * (MethodCount / 1024 + 1)
4 4 Offset to GC ref map info for method #1024
8 4 Offset to GC ref map info for method #2048
4 * (MethodCount / 1024 + 1) ... Serialized GC ref map info

The GCRef map is used to encode GC type of arguments for callsites. Logically, it is a sequence <pos, token> where pos is position of the reference in the stack frame and token is type of GC reference (one of GCREFMAP_XXX values):

CORCOMPILE_GCREFMAP_TOKENS Value Stack frame entry interpretation
GCREFMAP_SKIP 0 Not a GC-relevant entry
GCREFMAP_REF 1 GC reference
GCREFMAP_INTERIOR 2 Pointer to a GC reference
GCREFMAP_METHOD_PARAM 3 Hidden method instantiation argument to generic method
GCREFMAP_TYPE_PARAM 4 Hidden type instantiation argument to generic method

The position values are calculated in size_t aka IntPtr units (4 bytes for 32-bit architectures vs. 8 bytes for 64-bit architectures) starting at the first position in the transition frame that may contain GC references. For all architectures except for arm64 this is the beginning of the array of spilled argument registers. On arm64 it is the offset of the X8 register used to pass the location to be filled in with the return value by the called method.

  • The encoding always starts at the byte boundary. The high order bit of each byte is used to signal end of the encoding stream. The last byte has the high order bit zero. It means that there are 7 useful bits in each byte.

  • "pos" is always encoded as delta from previous pos.

  • The basic encoding unit is two bits. Values 0, 1 and 2 are the common constructs (skip single slot, GC reference, interior pointer). Value 3 means that extended encoding follows.

  • The extended information is integer encoded in one or more four bit blocks. The high order bit of the four bit block is used to signal the end.

  • For x86, the encoding starts with size of the callee popped stack. The size is encoded using the same mechanism as above (two bit basic encoding, with extended encoding for large values).


This section contains sorted array of RUNTIME_FUNCTION entries that describe all code blocks in the image with pointers to their unwind info. Despite the name, these code block might represent a method body, or it could be just a part of it (e.g. a funclet) that requires its own unwind data. The standard Windows xdata/pdata format is used. ARM format is used for x86 to compensate for the lack of x86 unwind info standard. The unwind info blob is immediately followed by the GC info blob. The encoding slightly differs for amd64 which encodes an extra 4-byte representing the end RVA of the unwind info blob.

RUNTIME_FUNCTION (x86, arm, arm64, size = 8 bytes)

Offset Size Value
0 4 Unwind info start RVA
4 4 GC info start RVA

RUNTIME_FUNCTION (amd64, size = 12 bytes)

Offset Size Value
0 4 Unwind info start RVA
4 4 Unwind info end RVA (1 plus RVA of last byte)
8 4 GC info start RVA


This section contains a native format sparse array (see 4 Native Format) that maps methoddef rows to method entrypoints. Methoddef is used as index into the array. The element of the array is index of the method in RuntimeFunctions, followed by list of slots that need to be filled before the method can start executing.

The index of the method is left-shifted by 1 bit with the low bit indicating whether a list of slots to fix up follows. The list of slots is encoded as follows (same encoding as used by NGen):

    absolute slot index
    slot index delta
    slot index delta
    absolute slot index
    slot index delta
    slot delta
    absolute slot index
    slot index delta
    slot delta

The fixup list is a stream of integers encoded as nibbles (1 nibble = 4 bits). 3 bits of a nibble are used to store 3 bits of the value, and the top bit indicates if the following nibble contains rest of the value. If the top bit in the nibble is set, then the value continues in the next nibble.

The section and slot indices are delta-encoded offsets from that initial absolute index. Delta-encoded means that the i-th value is the sum of values [1..i].

The list is terminated by a 0 (0 is not meaningful as valid delta).

Note: This is a per-assembly section. In single-file R2R files, it is pointed to directly by the main R2R header; in composite R2R files, each component module has its own entrypoint section pointed to by the READYTORUN_SECTION_ASSEMBLIES_ENTRY core header structure.


Exception handling information. This section contains array of READYTORUN_EXCEPTION_LOOKUP_TABLE_ENTRY sorted by MethodStart RVA. ExceptionInfo is RVA of READYTORUN_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE array that described the exception handling information for given method.

    DWORD MethodStart;
    DWORD ExceptionInfo;

    CorExceptionFlag    Flags;
    DWORD               TryStartPC;
    DWORD               TryEndPC;
    DWORD               HandlerStartPC;
    DWORD               HandlerEndPC;
    union {
        mdToken         ClassToken;
        DWORD           FilterOffset;

Same encoding is as used by NGen.


This section contains information to support debugging: native offset and local variable maps.

TODO: Document the debug info encoding. It is the same encoding as used by NGen. It should not be required when debuggers are able to handle debug info stored separately.


This section marks region that contains thunks for READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_MethodCall helper. It is used by debugger for step-in into lazily resolved calls. It should not be required when debuggers are able to handle debug info stored separately.


This section contains a native hashtable of all defined & export types within the compilation module. The key is the full type name, the value is the exported type or defined type token row ID left-shifted by one and or-ed with bit 0 defining the token type:

Bit value Token type
0 defined type
1 exported type

The version-resilient hashing algorithm used for hashing the type names is implemented in vm/versionresilienthashcode.cpp.

Note: This is a per-assembly section. In single-file R2R files, it is pointed to directly by the main R2R header; in composite R2R files, each component module has its own available type section pointed to by the READYTORUN_SECTION_ASSEMBLIES_ENTRY core header structure.


This section contains a native hashtable of all generic method instantiations compiled into the R2R executable. The key is the method instance signature; the appropriate version-resilient hash code calculation is implemented in vm/versionresilienthashcode.cpp; the value, represented by the EntryPointWithBlobVertex class, stores the method index in the runtime function table, the fixups blob and a blob encoding the method signature.

Note: In contrast to non-generic method entrypoints, this section is image-wide for composite R2R images. It represents all generics needed by all assemblies within the composite executable. As mentioned elsewhere in this document, CoreCLR runtime requires changes to properly look up methods stored in this section in the composite R2R case.

Note: Generic methods and non-generic methods on generic types are encoded into this table and the runtime is expected to lookup into this table in potentially multiple modules. First the runtime is expected to lookup into this table for the module which defines the method, then it is expected to use the "alternate" generics location which is defined as the module which is NOT the defining module which is the defining module of one of the generic arguments to the method. This alternate lookup is not currently a deeply nested algorithm. If that lookup fails, then lookup will proceed to every module which specified READYTORUN_FLAG_UNRELATED_R2R_CODE as a flag.

ReadyToRunSectionType.InliningInfo (v2.1+)

TODO: document inlining info encoding

ReadyToRunSectionType.ProfileDataInfo (v2.2+)

TODO: document profile data encoding

ReadyToRunSectionType.ManifestMetadata (v2.3+ with changes for v6.3+)

Manifest metadata is an [ECMA-335] metadata blob containing extra reference assemblies within the version bubble introduced by inlining on top of assembly references stored in the input MSIL. As of R2R version 3.1, the metadata is only used for the AssemblyRef table. This is used to translate module override indices in signatures to the actual reference modules (using either the READYTORUN_FIXUP_ModuleOverride bit flag on the signature fixup byte or the ELEMENT_TYPE_MODULE_ZAPSIG COR element type).

Note: It doesn't make sense to use references to assemblies external to the version bubble in the manifest metadata via the READYTORUN_FIXUP_ModuleOverride or ELEMENT_TYPE_MODULE_ZAPSIG concept as there's no guarantee that their metadata token values remain constant; thus we cannot encode signatures relative to them. However, as of R2R version 6.3, the native manifest metadata may contain tokens to be further resolved to actual implementation assemblies.

The module override index translation algorithm is as follows (ILAR = the number of AssemblyRef rows in the input MSIL):

For R2R version 6.2 and below

Module override index (i) Reference assembly
i = 0 Global context - assembly containing the signature
1 <= i <= ILAR i is the index into the MSIL AssemblyRef table
i > ILAR i - ILAR - 1 is the zero-based index into the AssemblyRef table in the manifest metadata

Note: This means that the entry corresponding to i = ILAR + 1 is actually undefined as it corresponds to the NULL entry (ROWID #0) in the manifest metadata AssemblyRef table. The first meaningful index into the manifest metadata, i = ILAR + 2, corresponding to ROWID #1, is historically filled in by Crossgen with the input assembly info but this shouldn't be depended upon, in fact the input assembly is useless in the manifest metadata as the module override to it can be encoded by using the special index 0.

For R2R version 6.3 and above | Module override index (i) | Reference assembly |:----------------------------|:------------------ | i = 0 | Global context - assembly containing the signature | 1 <= i <= ILAR | i is the index into the MSIL AssemblyRef table | i = ILAR + 1 | i is the index which refers to the Manifest metadata itself | i > ILAR + 1 | i - ILAR - 2 is the zero-based index into the AssemblyRef table in the manifest metadata

In addition, a ModuleRef within the module which refers to System.Private.CoreLib may be used to serve as the ResolutionContext of a TypeRef within the manifest metadata. This will always refer to the module which contains the System.Object type.

ReadyToRunSectionType.AttributePresence (v3.1+)

TODO: document attribute presence encoding

Note: This is a per-assembly section. In single-file R2R files, it is pointed to directly by the main R2R header; in composite R2R files, each component module has its own attribute presence section pointed to by the READYTORUN_SECTION_ASSEMBLIES_ENTRY core header structure.

ReadyToRunSectionType.InliningInfo2 (v4.1+)

The inlining information section captures what methods got inlined into other methods. It consists of a single Native Format Hashtable (described below).

The entries in the hashtable are lists of inliners for each inlinee. One entry in the hashtable corresponds to one inlinee. The hashtable is hashed by hashcode of the module name XORed with inlinee RID.

The entry of the hashtable is a counted sequence of compressed unsigned integers:

  • RID of the inlinee shifted left by one bit. If the lowest bit is set, this is an inlinee from a foreign module. The module override index (as defined above) follows as another compressed unsigned integer in that case.
  • RIDs of the inliners follow. They are encoded similarly to the way the inlinee is encoded (shifted left with the lowest bit indicating foreign RID). Instead of encoding the RID directly, RID delta (the difference between the previous RID and the current RID) is encoded. This allows better integer compression.

Foreign RIDs are only present if a fragile inlining was allowed at compile time.

TODO: It remains to be seen whether DelayLoadMethodCallThunks and / or InliningInfo also require changes specific to the composite R2R file format.

ReadyToRunSectionType.ComponentAssemblies (v4.1+)

This image-wide section is only present in the main R2R header of composite R2R files. It is an array of the entries READYTORUN_SECTION_ASSEMBLIES_ENTRY parallel to the indices in the manifest metadata AssemblyRef table in the sense that it's a linear table where the row indices correspond to the equivalent AssemblyRef indices. Just like in the AssemblyRef ECMA 335 table, the indexing is 1-based (the first entry in the table corresponds to index 1).

    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY CorHeader;        // Input MSIL metadata COR header (for composite R2R images with embedded MSIL metadata)
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ReadyToRunHeader; // READYTORUN_CORE_HEADER of the assembly in question

ReadyToRunSectionType.OwnerCompositeExecutable (v4.1+)

For composite R2R executables with standalone MSIL, the MSIL files are rewritten during compilation by receiving a formal ReadyToRun header with the appropriate signature and major / minor version pair; in Flags, it has the READYTORUN_FLAG_COMPONENT bit set and its section list only contains the OwnerCompositeExecutable section that contains a UTF-8 string encoding the file name of the composite R2R executable this MSIL belongs to with extension (without path). Runtime uses this information to locate the composite R2R executable with the compiled native code when loading the MSIL.

ReadyToRunSectionType.PgoInstrumentationData (v5.2+)

TODO: document PGO instrumentation data

ReadyToRunSectionType.ManifestAssemblyMvids (v5.3+)

This section is a binary array of 16-byte MVID records, one for each assembly in the manifest metadata. Number of assemblies stored in the manifest metadata is equal to the number of MVID records in the array. MVID records are used at runtime to verify that the assemblies loaded match those referenced by the manifest metadata representing the versioning bubble.

ReadyToRunSectionType.CrossModuleInlineInfo (v6.3+)

The inlining information section captures what methods got inlined into other methods. It consists of a single Native Format Hashtable (described below).

The entries in the hashtable are lists of inliners for each inlinee. One entry in the hashtable corresponds to one inlinee. The hashtable is hashed with the version resilient hashcode of the uninstantiated methoddef inlinee.

The entry of the hashtable is a counted sequence of compressed unsigned integers which begins with an InlineeIndex which combines a 30 bit index with 2 bits of flags which how the sequence of inliners shall be parsed and what table is to be indexed into to find the inlinee.

  • InlineeIndex
  • Index with 2 flags field in lowest 2 bits to define the inlinee

    • If (flags & 1) == 0 then index is a MethodDef RID, and if the module is a composite image, a module index of the method follows
    • If (flags & 1) == 1, then index is an index into the ILBody import section
    • If (flags & 2) == 0 then inliner list is:
    • Inliner RID deltas - See definition below
    • if (flags & 2) == 2 then what follows is:
    • count of delta encoded indices into the ILBody import section
    • the sequence of delta encoded indices into the first import section with a type of READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION_TYPE_ILBODYFIXUPS
    • Inliner RID deltas - See definition below
  • Inliner RID deltas (for multi-module version bubble images specified by the module having the READYTORUN_FLAG_MULTIMODULE_VERSION_BUBBLE flag set)

  • a sequence of inliner RID deltas with flag in the lowest bit
  • if flag is set, the inliner RID is followed by a module ID
  • otherwise the module is the same as the module of the inlinee method
  • Inliner RID deltas (for single module version bubble images)
  • a sequence of inliner RID deltas

This section may be included in addition to a InliningInfo2 section.

ReadyToRunSectionType.HotColdMap (v8.0+)

In ReadyToRun 8.0+, the format supports splitting a method into hot and cold parts so that they are not located together. This hot-cold map section captures the information about how methods are split so that the runtime can locate them for various services.

For every method that is split, there is a single entry in the section. Each entry has two unsigned 32-bit integers. The first integer is the runtime function index of the cold part and the second integer is the runtime function index of the hot part.

The methods in this table are sorted by their hot part runtime function indices, which are also sorted by their cold part runtime function indices because we always emit the cold part in the same order as the hot parts, or by their RVAs because the runtime function table itself is sorted by the RVAs.

This section may not exist if no method is split - this happens when the --hot-cold-splitting flag is not specified during compilation, or the compiler decides it should not split any methods.

ReadyToRunSectionType.MethodIsGenericMap (v9.0+)

This optional section holds a bit vector to indicate if the MethodDefs contained within the assembly have generic parameters or not. This allows determining if a method is generic or not by querying a bit vector (which is fast, and efficient) as opposed to examining the GenericParameter table, or the signature of the Method.

The section begins with a single 32 bit integer indicating the number of bits in the bit vector. Following that integer is the actual bit vector of all of the data. The data is grouped into 8 bit bytes, where the least significant bit of the byte is the bit which represents the lowest MethodDef.

For instance, the first byte in the bit vector represents the MethodDefs 06000001 to 06000008, and the least signficant bit of that first byte is the bit representing the IsGeneric bit for MethodDef 06000001.

ReadyToRunSectionType.EnclosingTypeMap (v9.0+)

This optional section allows for efficient O(1) lookup from the enclosed type to the type which encloses it without requiring the binary search that is necessary if using the ECMA 335 defined NestedClass table (which encodes exactly the same information). This section may only be included in the assembly if the assembly has fewer than 0xFFFE types defined within it.

The structure of this section is: A single 16 bit unsigned integer listing the count of entries in the map. This count is followed by a 16 bit unsigned integer for each TypeDef defined in the assembly. This typedef is the RID of the enclosing type, or 0 if the typedef is not enclosed by another type.

ReadyToRunSectionType.TypeGenericInfoMap (v9.0+)

This optional section represents a condensed view of some generic details about types. This can make it more efficient to load types.

The structure of this section is: A single 32 bit integer representing the number of entries in the map followed by a series of 4 bit entries, one per type. These 4 bit entries are grouped into bytes, where each byte holds 2 entries, and the entry in the most significant 4 bits of the byte is the entry representing a lower TypeDef RID.

TypeGenericInfoMap entries have 4 bits representing 3 different sets of information.

  1. What is the count of generic parameters (0, 1, 2, MoreThanTwo) (This is represented in the least significant 2 bits of the TypeGenericInfoMap entry)
  2. Are there any constraints on the generic parameters? (This is the 3rd bit of the entry)
  3. Do any of the generic parameters have co or contra variance? (This is the 4th bit of the entry)

Native Format

Native format is set of encoding patterns that allow persisting type system data in a binary format that is efficient for runtime access - both in working set and CPU cycles. (Originally designed for and extensively used by .NET Native.)

Integer encoding

Native format uses a variable length encoding scheme for signed and unsigned numbers. The low bits of the first byte of the encoding specify the number of following bytes as follows:

  • xxxxxxx0 (i.e. the least significant bit is 0): no more bytes follow. Shift the byte one bit right, and sign or zero extend for signed and unsigned number, respectively.
  • xxxxxx01: one more byte follows. Build a 16-bit number from the two bytes read (little-endian order), shift it right by 2 bits, then sign or zero extend.
  • xxxxx011: two more bytes follow. Build a 24-bit number from the three bytes read (little-endian order), shift it right by 3 bits, then sign or zero extend.
  • xxxx0111: three more bytes follow. Build a 32-bit number from the four bytes read, then sign or zero extend
  • xxxx1111: four more bytes follow. Discard the first byte, build the signed or unsigned number from the following four bytes (again little-endian order).

Examples: * the unsigned number 12 (0x0000000c) would be expressed as the single byte 0x18. * The unsigned number 1000 (0x000003e8) would be expressed as the two bytes 0xa1, 0x0f

Sparse Array

TODO: Document native format sparse array


Conceptually, a native hash table is a header that describe the dimensions of the table, a table that maps hash values of the keys to buckets followed with a list of buckets that store the values. These three things are stored consecutively in the format.

To make look up fast, the number of buckets is always a power of 2. The table is simply a sequence of (1 + number of buckets) cells, for the first (number of buckets) cells, its stores the offset of the bucket list from the beginning of the whole native hash table. The last cell stores the offset to the end of the buckets.

Each bucket is a sequence of entries. An entry has a hash code and an offset to the object stored. The entries are sorted by hash code.

Physically, the header is a single byte. The most significant six bits is used to store the number of buckets in its base-2 logarithm. The remaining two bits are used for storing the entry size, as explained below:

Because the offsets to the bucket lists are often small numbers, the table cells are variable sized. It could be either 1 byte, 2 bytes or 4 bytes. The three cases are described with two bits. 00 means it is one byte, 01 means it is two bytes and 10 means it is four bytes.

The remaining data are the entries. The entries has only the least significant byte of the hash code, followed by the offset to the actual object stored in the hash table.

To perform a lookup, one starts with reading the header, computing the hash code, using the number of buckets to determine the number of bits to mask away from the hash code, look it up in the table using the right pointer size, find the bucket list, find the next bucket list (or the end of the table) so that we know where to stop, search the entries in that list and then we will find the object if we have a hit, or we have a miss.

To enumerate all the values, simply walk from the first entry and go all the way to the end of the hash table.

To see this in action, we can take a look at the following example, with these objects placed in the native hash table.

Object HashCode
P 0x1231
Q 0x1232
R 0x1234
S 0x1238

Suppose we decided to have only two buckets, then only the least significant digit will be used to index the table, the whole hash table will look like this:

Part Offset Content Meaning
Header 0 0x04 This is the header, the least significant bit is 00, therefore the table cell is just one byte. The most significant six bit represents 1, which means the number of buckets is 2^1 = 2.
Table 1 0x08 This is the representation of the unsigned integer 4, which correspond to the offset of the bucket correspond to hash code 0.
Table 2 0x14 This is the representation of the unsigned integer 10, which correspond to the offset of the bucket correspond to hash code 1.
Table 3 0x18 This is the representation of the unsigned integer 12, which correspond to the offset of the end of the whole hash table.
Bucket1 4 0x32 This is the least significant byte of the hash code of P
Bucket1 5 P This should be the offset to the object P
Bucket1 6 0x34 This is the least significant byte of the hash code of Q
Bucket1 7 Q This should be the offset to the object Q
Bucket1 8 0x38 This is the least significant byte of the hash code of R
Bucket1 9 R This should be the offset to the object R
Bucket2 10 0x31 This is the least significant byte of the hash code of S
Bucket2 11 S This should be the offset to the object S

Helper calls

List of helper calls supported by READYTORUN_FIXUP_Helper:

enum ReadyToRunHelper
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Invalid                   = 0x00,

    // Not a real helper - handle to current module passed to delay load helpers.
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Module                    = 0x01,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GSCookie                  = 0x02,

    // Delay load helpers

    // All delay load helpers use custom calling convention:
    // - scratch register - address of indirection cell. 0 = address is inferred from callsite.
    // - stack - section index, module handle
    READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_MethodCall      = 0x08,

    READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_Helper          = 0x10,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_Helper_Obj      = 0x11,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_DelayLoad_Helper_ObjObj   = 0x12,

    // JIT helpers

    // Exception handling helpers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Throw                     = 0x20,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Rethrow                   = 0x21,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Overflow                  = 0x22,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_RngChkFail                = 0x23,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_FailFast                  = 0x24,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ThrowNullRef              = 0x25,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ThrowDivZero              = 0x26,

    // Write barriers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier              = 0x30,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier       = 0x31,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ByRefWriteBarrier         = 0x32,

    // Array helpers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Stelem_Ref                = 0x38,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Ldelema_Ref               = 0x39,

    READYTORUN_HELPER_MemSet                    = 0x40,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_MemCpy                    = 0x41,

    // Get string handle lazily
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GetString                 = 0x50,

    // Used by /Tuning for Profile optimizations
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LogMethodEnter            = 0x51,

    // Reflection helpers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GetRuntimeTypeHandle      = 0x54,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GetRuntimeMethodHandle    = 0x55,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GetRuntimeFieldHandle     = 0x56,

    READYTORUN_HELPER_Box                       = 0x58,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Box_Nullable              = 0x59,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Unbox                     = 0x5A,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Unbox_Nullable            = 0x5B,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_NewMultiDimArr            = 0x5C,

    // Helpers used with generic handle lookup cases
    READYTORUN_HELPER_NewObject                 = 0x60,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_NewArray                  = 0x61,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckCastAny              = 0x62,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckInstanceAny          = 0x63,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GenericGcStaticBase       = 0x64,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GenericNonGcStaticBase    = 0x65,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GenericGcTlsBase          = 0x66,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_GenericNonGcTlsBase       = 0x67,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_VirtualFuncPtr            = 0x68,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_IsInstanceOfException     = 0x69,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_NewMaybeFrozenArray       = 0x6A,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_NewMaybeFrozenObject      = 0x6B,

    // Long mul/div/shift ops
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LMul                      = 0xC0,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LMulOfv                   = 0xC1,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ULMulOvf                  = 0xC2,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LDiv                      = 0xC3,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LMod                      = 0xC4,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ULDiv                     = 0xC5,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ULMod                     = 0xC6,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LLsh                      = 0xC7,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LRsh                      = 0xC8,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_LRsz                      = 0xC9,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Lng2Dbl                   = 0xCA,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_ULng2Dbl                  = 0xCB,

    // 32-bit division helpers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Div                       = 0xCC,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Mod                       = 0xCD,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_UDiv                      = 0xCE,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_UMod                      = 0xCF,

    // Floating point conversions
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2Int                   = 0xD0,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2IntOvf                = 0xD1,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2Lng                   = 0xD2,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2LngOvf                = 0xD3,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2UInt                  = 0xD4,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2UIntOvf               = 0xD5,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2ULng                  = 0xD6,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_Dbl2ULngOvf               = 0xD7,

    // Floating point ops
    READYTORUN_HELPER_DblRem                    = 0xE0,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_FltRem                    = 0xE1,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_DblRound                  = 0xE2,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_FltRound                  = 0xE3,

#ifndef _TARGET_X86_
    // Personality routines
    READYTORUN_HELPER_PersonalityRoutine        = 0xF0,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_PersonalityRoutineFilterFunclet = 0xF1,

    // Deprecated/legacy

    // JIT32 x86-specific write barriers
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_EAX          = 0x100,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_EBX          = 0x101,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_ECX          = 0x102,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_ESI          = 0x103,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_EDI          = 0x104,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_WriteBarrier_EBP          = 0x105,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_EAX   = 0x106,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_EBX   = 0x107,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_ECX   = 0x108,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_ESI   = 0x109,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_EDI   = 0x10A,
    READYTORUN_HELPER_CheckedWriteBarrier_EBP   = 0x10B,

    // JIT32 x86-specific exception handling
    READYTORUN_HELPER_EndCatch                  = 0x110,

