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Type Loader Design

Author: Ladi Prosek - 2007


In a class-based object oriented system, types are templates describing the data that individual instances will contain, and the functionality that they will provide. It is not possible to create an object without first defining its type1. Two objects are said to be of the same type if they are instances of the same type. The fact that they define the exact same set of members does not make them related in any way.

The previous paragraph could as well describe a typical C++ system. One additional feature essential to CLR is the availability of full runtime type information. In order to "manage" the managed code and provide type safe environment, the runtime must know the type of any object at any time. Such a type information must be readily available without extensive computation because the type identity queries are expected to be rather frequent (e.g. any type-cast involves querying the type identity of the object to verify that the cast is safe and can be done).

This performance requirement rules out any dictionary look up approaches and leaves us with the following high-level architecture.

Figure 1

Figure 1 The abstract high-level object design

Apart from the actual instance data, each object contains a type id which is simply a pointer to the structure that represents the type. This concept is similar to C++ v-table pointers, but the structure, which we call TYPE now and will define it more precisely later, contains more than just a v-table. For instance, it has to contain information about the hierarchy so that "is-a" subsumption questions can be answered.

1 The C# 3.0 feature called "anonymous types" lets you define an object without explicit reference to a type - simply by directly listing its fields. Don't let this fool you, there is in fact a type created behind the scenes for you by the compiler.

[1] Martin Abadi, Luca Cardelli, A Theory of Objects, ISBN 978-0387947754

[2] Andrew Kennedy (@andrewjkennedy), Don Syme (@dsyme), Design and Implementation of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime

[3] ECMA Standard for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

1.2 Design Goals

The ultimate purpose of the type loader (sometimes referred to as the class loader, which is strictly speaking not correct, because classes constitute just a subset of types - namely reference types - and the loader loads value types as well) is to build data structures representing the type which it is asked to load. These are the properties that the loader should have:

  • Fast type lookup ([module, token] => handle and [assembly, name] => handle).
  • Optimized memory layout to achieve good working set size, cache hit rate, and JITted code performance.
  • Type safety - malformed types are not loaded and a TypeLoadException is thrown.
  • Concurrency - scales well in multi-threaded environments.

2 Type Loader Architecture

There is a relatively small number of entry-points to the loader. Although the signature of each individual entry-point is slightly different, they all have the similar semantics. They take a type/member designation in the form of a metadata token or a name string, a scope for the token (a module or an assembly ), and some additional information like flags. They return the loaded entity in the form of a handle.

There are usually many calls to the type loader during JITting. Consider:

object CreateClass()
    return new MyClass();

In the IL, MyClass is referred to using a metadata token. In order to generate a call to the JIT_New helper which takes care of the actual instantiation, the JIT will ask the type loader to load the type and return a handle to it. This handle will be then directly embedded in the JITted code as an immediate value. The fact that types and members are usually resolved and loaded at JIT time and not at run-time also explains the sometimes confusing behavior easily hit with code like this:

object CreateClass()
    try {
        return new MyClass();
    } catch (TypeLoadException) {
        return null;

If MyClass fails to load, for example because it's supposed to be defined in another assembly and it was accidentally removed in the newest build, then this code will still throw TypeLoadException. The reason that the catch block did not catch it is that it never ran! The exception occurred during JITting and would only be catchable in the method that called CreateClass and caused it to be JITted. In addition, it may not be always obvious at which point the JITting is triggered due to inlining, so users should not expect and rely on deterministic behavior.

Key Data Structures

The most universal type designation in the CLR is the TypeHandle. It's an abstract entity which encapsulates a pointer to either a MethodTable (representing "ordinary" types like System.Object or List<string>) or a TypeDesc (representing byrefs, pointers, function pointers and generic variables). It constitutes the identity of a type in that two handles are equal if and only if they represent the same type. To save space, the fact that a TypeHandle contains a TypeDesc is indicated by setting the second lowest bit of the pointer to 1 (i.e. (ptr | 2)) instead of using additional flags2. TypeDesc is "abstract" and has the following inheritance hierarchy.

Figure 2

Figure 2 The TypeDesc hierarchy


Abstract type descriptor. The concrete descriptor type is determined by flags.


Represents a type variable, i.e. the T in List<T> or in Array.Sort<T> (see the part about generics below). Type variables are never shared between multiple types or methods so each variable has its one and only owner.


Represents a function pointer, essentially a variable-length list of type handles referring to the return type and parameters. It was originally only used by managed C++. C# supported it since C# 9.


This descriptor represents a byref and pointer types. Byrefs are the results of the ref and out C# keywords applied to method parameters3 whereas pointer types are unmanaged pointers to data used in unsafe C# and managed C++.


This is by far the central data structure of the runtime. It represents any type which does not fall into one of the categories above (this includes primitive types, and generic types, both "open" and "closed"). It contains everything about the type that needs to be looked up quickly, such as its parent type, implemented interfaces, and the v-table.


MethodTable data are split into "hot" and "cold" structures to improve working set and cache utilization. MethodTable itself is meant to only store "hot" data that are needed in program steady state. EEClass stores "cold" data that are typically only needed by type loading, JITing or reflection. Each MethodTable points to one EEClass.

Moreover, EEClasses are shared by generic types. Multiple generic type MethodTables can point to single EEClass. This sharing adds additional constrains on data that can be stored on EEClass.


It is no surprise that this structure describes a method. It actually comes in a few flavors which have their corresponding MethodDesc subtypes but most of them really are out of the scope of this document. Suffice it to say that there is one subtype called InstantiatedMethodDesc which plays an important role for generics. For more information please see Method Descriptor Design.


Analogous to MethodDesc , this structure describes a field. Except for certain COM interop scenarios, the EE does not care about properties and events at all because they boil down to methods and fields at the end of the day, and it's just compilers and reflection who generate and understand them in order to provide that syntactic sugar kind of experience.

2 This is useful for debugging. If the value of a TypeHandle ends with 2, 6, A, or E, then it's not a MethodTable and the extra bit has to be cleared in order to successfully inspect the TypeDesc.

3 Note that the difference between ref and out is just in a parameter attribute. As far as the type system is concerned, they are both the same type.

2.1 Load Levels

When the type loader is asked to load a specified type, identified for example by a typedef/typeref/typespec token and a Module , it does not do all the work atomically at once. The loading is done in phases instead. The reason for this is that the type usually depends on other types and requiring it to be fully loaded before it can be referred to by other types would result in infinite recursion and deadlocks. Consider:

class A<T> : C<B<T>>
{ }

class B<T> : C<A<T>>
{ }

class C<T>
{ }

These are valid types and apparently A depends on B and B depends on A.

The loader initially creates the structure(s) representing the type and initializes them with data that can be obtained without loading other types. When this "no-dependencies" work is done, the structure(s) can be referred from other places, usually by sticking pointers to them into another structures. After that the loader progresses in incremental steps and fills the structure(s) with more and more information until it finally arrives at a fully loaded type. In the above example, the base types of A and B will be approximated by something that does not include the other type, and substituted by the real thing later.

The exact half-loaded state is described by the so-called load level, starting with CLASS_LOAD_BEGIN, ending with CLASS_LOADED, and having a couple of intermediate levels in between. There are rich and useful comments about individual load levels in the classloadlevel.h source file.

See Design and Implementation of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime for more detailed explanation of load levels.

2.1.1 Use of load levels within the type loader.

Within the type loader, while operating in various portions of the type loader, various different rules apply to what type load level can be used. Code within ClassLoader::CreateTypeHandleForTypeDefThrowing and MethodTableBuilder::BuildMethodTableThrowing

While executing the code in ClassLoader::CreateTypeHandleForTypeDefThrowing before the call to MethodTableBuilder::BuildMethodTableThrowing no logic can rely on the MethodTable of the type that is being loaded. This is due to the detail that these are the routines which construct the MethodTable.

This has various implications, but the most obvious is that the base type of the type being loaded and any associated interfaces or field types cannot be loaded past CLASS_LOAD_APPROXPARENTS without creating a risk of triggering a TypeLoadException. For instance, if we load the Base type to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS then we could not load a type A which was derived from type B<A>. Exceptions to this rule exist, and are necessary to actually implement the type loading process, but generally should be avoided, as they cause behavior which does not match the ECMA specification. Code within ClassLoader::DoIncrementalLoad

Code that runs during DoIncrementalLoad is generally allowed to require a type load to either the level that is being incrementally loaded to, OR the level at which the type being loaded is already at. The distinction here is that if the relationship between the types is circular, or non-circular. Circular relationships such as the relationship of a type to its type parameters can only be loaded to a level below the desired load level. Non-circular relationships can be required to be loaded to the load level that the incremental operation will eventually reach.

For instance, the relationship of a type to its base type is non-circular, as a type cannot transitively be its own exact base type. However, the relationship of a type to the instantiation arguments of its base type can be circular.

As an example for the rules above consider the type class A : B<A> {}. When loading class A to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS we can require the base type B<A> to be loaded to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS as that is a non-circular relationship, but when we load B<A> to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS we cannot require type A to be loaded to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS as that would cause a circularity issue, and thus loading B<A> to CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS can only force A to be loaded to CLASS_LOAD_APPROXPARENTS.

Code that runs in ClassLoader::DoIncrementalLoad follows a fairly straightforward pattern where code can depend on types being loaded to a specific load level, and when the incremental load process completes at a given level, the type being loaded is incremented in load level. Code within PushFinalLevels

The final two levels of type loading are handled via PushFinalLevels which follows a different set of rules. PushFinalLevels runs code which in order to raise the level can only depend on other types being loaded to a level below the level that is desired. However, before marking the type as reaching a higher level, PushFinalLevels can require other types to also complete the PushFinalLevels algorithm to the new level. Only once all of the types are confirmed to have reached the new level can the entire set of types be marked as reaching the new level.

2.1.2 Usage of load levels outside of the type loader.

In the general case, its preferable to simply ignore load levels when not operating code that is part of the type loader, and to simply ask for fully loaded types. This should be the default, and always functionally correct choice. However, for performance reasons, it is possible to only require partially loaded types, which then requires the user of the type to ensure that their code does not have any dependencies on a fully loaded state.

2.2 Generics

In the generics-free world, everything is nice and everyone is happy because every ordinary (not represented by a TypeDesc) type has one MethodTable pointing to its associated EEClass which in turn points back to the MethodTable. All instances of the type contain a pointer to the MethodTable as their first field at offset 0, i.e. at the address seen as the reference value. To conserve space, MethodDescs representing methods declared by the type are organized in a linked list of chunks pointed to by the EEClass4.

Figure 3

Figure 3 Non-generic type with non-generic methods

4 Of course, when managed code runs, it does not call methods by looking them up in the chunks. Calling a method is a very "hot" operation and normally needs to access only information in the MethodTable.

2.2.1 Terminology

Generic Parameter

A placeholder to be substituted by another type; the T in the declaration of List<T>. Sometimes called formal type parameter. A generic parameter has a name and optional generic constraints.

Generic Argument

A type being substituted for a generic parameter; the int in List<int>. Note that a generic parameter can also be used as an argument. Consider:

List<T> GetList<T>()
    return new List<T>();

The method has one generic parameter T which is used as a generic argument for the generic list class.

Generic Constraint

An optional requirement placed by generic parameters on its potential generic arguments. Types that do not have the required properties may not be substituted for the generic parameter and it is enforced by the type loader. There are three kinds of generic constraints:

  1. Special constraints
  2. Reference type constraint - the generic argument must be a reference type (as opposed to a value type). The class keyword is used in C# to express this constraint.

    public class A<T> where T : class
  3. Value type constraint - the generic argument must be a value type different from System.Nullable<T>. C# uses the struct keyword.

    public class A<T> where T : struct
  4. Default constructor constraint - the generic argument must have a public parameterless constructor. This is expressed by new() in C#.

    public class A<T> where T : new()
  5. Base type constraints - the generic argument must be derived from (or directly be of) the given non-interface type. It obviously makes sense to use only zero or one reference type as a base types constraint.

    public class A<T> where T : EventArgs
  6. Implemented interface constraints - the generic argument must implement (or directly be of) the given interface type. Zero or more interfaces can be given.

    public class A<T> where T : ICloneable, IComparable<T>

The above constraints are combined with an implicit AND, i.e. a generic parameter can be constrained to be derived from a given type, implement several interfaces, and have the default constructor. All generic parameters of the declaring type can be used to express the constraints, introducing interdependencies among the parameters. For example:

public class A<S, T, U>
    where S : T
    where T : IList<U> {
    void f<V>(V v) where V : S {}


The list of generic arguments that were substituted for generic parameters of a generic type or method. Each loaded generic type and method has its instantiation.

Typical Instantiation

An instantiation consisting purely of the type's or method's own type parameters and in the same order in which the parameters are declared. There exists exactly one typical instantiation for each generic type and method. Usually when one talks about an open generic type, they have the typical instantiation in mind. Example:

public class A<S, T, U> {}

The C# typeof(A<,,>) compiles to ldtoken A`3 which makes the runtime load A`3 instantiated at S , T , U.

Canonical Instantiation

An instantiation where all generic arguments are System.__Canon. System.__Canon is an internal type defined in corlib and its task is just to be well-known and different from any other type which may be used as a generic argument. Types/methods with canonical instantiation are used as representatives of all instantiations and carry information shared by all instantiations. Since System.__Canon can obviously not satisfy any constraints that the respective generic parameter may have on it, constraint checking is special-cased with respect to System.__Canon and ignores these violations.

2.2.2 Sharing

With the advent of generics, the number of types loaded by the runtime tends to be higher. Although generic types with different instantiations (for example List<string> and List<object>) are different types each with its own MethodTable, it turns out that there is a considerable amount of information that they can share. This sharing has a positive impact on the memory footprint and consequently also performance.

Figure 4

Figure 4 Generic type with non-generic methods - shared EEClass

Currently all instantiations containing reference types share the same EEClass and its MethodDescs. This is feasible because all references are of the same size - 4 or 8 bytes - and hence the layout of all these types is the same. The figure illustrates this for List<object> and List<string>. The canonical MethodTable was created automatically before the first reference type instantiation was loaded and contains data which is hot but not instantiation specific like non-virtual slots. Instantiations containing only value types are not shared and every such instantiated type gets its own unshared EEClass.

MethodTables representing generic types loaded so far are cached in a hash table owned by their loader module5. This hash table is consulted before a new instantiation is constructed, making sure that there will never be two or more MethodTable instances representing the same type.

See Design and Implementation of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime for more information about generic sharing.

5 Things get a bit more complicated for types loaded from NGEN images.